Populärwissenschaftliche Beiträge
Saure Böden und der Schnaps vom Vogelbeerbaum, Kleine Waldzeitung 1/2017 Zum Artikel
Fitz W, Juritsch G (2008) Mobile Ausstellungen zu Bodenschutzthemen. 5. Marktredwitzer Bodenschutztage (8.-10.10.2008), Tagungsband, 159-161. Abstract
Referierte Journale
(Science Citation Index SCI)
Kobler J, Fitz WJ, Dirnböck T, Mirtl M (2010) Soil type affects migration pattern of airborne Pb and Cd under a spruce-beech forest of the UN-ECE Integrated Monitoring site Zöbelboden, Austria. Environmental Pollution 158 (3), 849-854. Abstract
Verfasst von Walter Fitz für das Umweltbundesamt Wien
Koellensperger G, Nurmi J, Hann S, Stingeder G, Fitz WJ and Wenzel WW (2002) CE-ICP-SFMS and HPIC-ICP-SFMS for arsenic speciation in soil solution and soil water extracts. Journal of Analytical and Atomic Spectrometry 17, 1042-1047. Abstract
Lombi E, Zhao FJ, Zhang G, Sun B, Fitz W, Zhang H and McGrath SP (2002) In situ fixation in soils using bauxite residue: chemical assessment. Environmental Pollution 118, 435-443. Abstract
Wenzel WW, Wieshammer G, Fitz WJ and Puschenreiter M (2001) Novel rhizobox design to assess rhizosphere characteristics at high spatial resolution. Plant and Soil 237, 37-45. Abstract
Friedel JK, Kobel C, Pfeffer M, Fitz WJ and Wenzel WW (2002) Effect of different freezing methods on estimates of soil microbial biomass N by fumigation-extraction. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 166, 326-327 Abstract
Fitz WJ, Wenzel WW, Zhang H, Nurmi J, Štipek K, Fischerova Z, Schweiger P, Köllensperger G, Ma LQ, Stingeder G (2003) Rhizosphere characteristics of the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. and monitoring of phytoremoval efficiency. Environmental Science and Technology 37, 5008-50014. Abstract
Fitz WJ, Wenzel WW, Wieshammer G, Istenic B (2003) Microtome sectioning causes artifacts in rhizobox experiments. Plant and Soil 256, 455-462. Abstract
Fitz WJ and Wenzel WW (2002) Arsenic transformations in the soil - rhizosphere - plant system: fundamentals and potential application to phytoremediation. Journal of Biotechnology 99, 259-278. Abstract
Miró M, Fitz WJ, Swoboda S and Wenzel WW (2010) In-situ sampling of soil pore water: evaluation of linear-type microdialysis probes and suction cups at varied moisture contents. Environmental Chemistry 7(1) 123–131. Abstract
Dellantonio A, Fitz, WJ, Custovic H, Repmann F, Schneider BU, Grünewald H, Gruber V, Zgoelec Z, Zerem N, Carter C, Markovic M, Puschenreiter M, Wenzel WW (2008) Environmental risks of farmed and barren alkaline coal ash landfills in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Environmental Pollution 153, 677-686. Abstract
Langer I, Krpata D, Fitz WJ, Wenzel WW, Schweiger PF (2009) Zinc accumulation potential and toxicity threshold determined for a metal-accumulating Populus canescens clone in a dose-response study. Environmental Pollution (in press). Abstract
Krpata D, Peintner U, Langer I, Fitz WJ, Schweiger P (2008) Ectomycorrhizal communities associated with Populus tremula growing on a heavy metal contaminated site. Mycological Research 112, 1069-1079. Abstract
Krpata D, Fitz, W, Peintner U, Langer I, Schweiger P (2009) Bioconcentration of zinc and cadmium in ectomycorrhizal fungi and associated aspen trees as affected by level of pollution. Environmental Pollution 157, 280-286. Abstract
Molina Millán I, Fitz WJ, Unterbrunner R, Wenzel WW (2006) Comparison of methods for measuring metal desorption from soils for parameterising rhizosphere models. European Journal of Soil Science 57, 38-46. Abstract
Fedotov PS, Fitz WJ, Wennrich R, Morgenstern P, Wenzel WW (2005): Fractionation of arsenic in soil and sludge samples: continuous-flow extraction using rotating coiled columns versus batch sequential extraction. Analytica Chimica Acta, 538, 93-98. Abstract Abstract
Puschenreiter, M., Wenzel, W.W., Wieshammer, G., Fitz, W.J., Wieczorek, S., Kanitsar, K., Köllensperger, G. (2005): Novel micro suction cup design for sampling soil solution at defined distances from roots. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 168, 386-391. Abstract